Why Choose A Christian College?

Why Choose A Christian College?

Why Choose A Christian College?

College is about so much more than studying facts and statistics to ace an exam or write a research paper. The late teens and early 20’s is a time of huge personal growth and development, second only to the toddler years.

One common misconception regarding Christian colleges is that they are just for those who plan to go into some type of ministry after college. In reality, many students attend Christian colleges because they support their lifestyle and beliefs.

If your goals are to:

Grow in Christ
Develop into the adult that you are meant to be
Obtain a solid education that will lead to a career that allows you to
serve all

Then a Christian college might be just what you are looking for.

christian school

One common misconception regarding Christian colleges is that they are just for those who plan to go into some type of ministry after college. In reality, many students attend Christian colleges because they support their lifestyle and beliefs.

In the classroom, on campus and within the community, Christian colleges offer a wide variety of studies and activities that support fundamental Biblical beliefs and encourage students to growth in their faith. Typically, students are held highly accountable for their behavior through Statements of Faith and stringent Codes of Ethics, which means that many of the distracting behaviors found on secular campuses will not be an issue.

Christian colleges often hire only faculty and staff who are themselves Christians, and who are willing to sign a Statement of Faith. For students, this means that in all aspects of college life, opportunities to have strong, moral role models and mentors are all around.

This is a vital factor to take into consideration since the college years are such a vital time of personal growth. In the classroom, Christian faculty ensures that Biblical principles are included in the curricula and discussed in the classroom. Learning how to live your Christianity in your future career field, as well as in your personal life, is not something that will be easily found in a secular school.

christian church rural

In a Christian college, your beliefs will be validated and encouraged. Most faith-based colleges have a wide variety of clubs and organizations that provide good clean fun, opportunities to learn and study Biblical truths and to serve the college community according to God’s laws.

These faith-based extracurricular activities reinforce Biblical principles and offer occasions to put your faith into action through community service.

While it is true that Christian colleges tend to be more expensive than state schools, it is wise to consider the quality of the education available at these colleges over secular ones. State schools are funded by the government, so regardless of the educational quality, those schools can stay afloat.

However, since Christian colleges are private, they must continuously provide top-quality educational opportunities or their funding from tuition and endowments from alumni and other benefactors will cease to exist. So, while you may pay more for a Christian college, you can feel secure in the fact that you will receive a top-notch education.

Overall, Christian colleges prepare you for your chosen profession by providing rigorous educational opportunities, while also training you in living a faith-based life and being a strong Christian influence in your community.