we’re delighted that the highly successful IOP teacher training scholarship program returns for another year the scholarship initiative is funded by the Department of Education you’re once again awarding 150 scholarships where 25,000 pounds each – the very best college scholarships individuals that want to become physics teachers successful applicants will not only receive a 25 thousand pounds tax-free award but also a comprehensive package of support now this will include IRP membership the advice and counsel of a physics specialists in addition we’re going to be putting together a series of field trips and master classes taking in some of
the most important science venues in the country we hope doing those experiences not only that the scholars receive input but also that they’ll be able to support each other and build up a real sense of community we are looking for truly outstanding individuals who have the potential to become fantastic teachers of physics need at least a 2-1 degree to apply this could be in physics or related degrees subjects such as engineering or maths alternatively you could have completed a subject knowledge enhancement course we would also consider a to 2 degree if you had significant relevant work experience when we assess your application we’re really looking for two things the first is a real interest knowledge and passion for physics it’s the
one who enjoys their subject and it’s inspired by that secondly as crucially we’re looking for so no can communicate that knowledge someone who is a teacher who can relate to pupils please try and bear those two things in mind love and passion for physics and the ability to communicate it to pupils of whichever range you can apply for a scholarship before or after you’ve applied for a teacher training course before you apply for a scholarship please check our eligibility criteria which can be found on our website if you are eligible to apply for a scholarship you will need to complete an online application form this will ask you if details of your background and qualifications and ask you to explain why you want to teach physics and what you
think makes you a good physics teacher there’ll also be a short physics test to assess your so general edge once we received your application there will be an acknowledgement as soon as possible after the application deadline of a given month there are after a few things take place first thing is we’ll take up your references it really is worth warning your referee to expect that so that we can then take up those references quickly and get back to you after that we’ll meet together with a number of other specialists and we’ll look at a whole series of applications that are given around and we will shortlist those who we think are going to be the most suitable there are a series of deadlines throughout the year but the sooner you apply the better because we’re only awarding 150 scholarships and each round is really competitive you can check back to our website for updates on the deadlines and also the assessment days if your application was successful
you would be expected to attend the assessment days there are really just two pieces of advice first of all please make sure that you’ve had a chance to go into a school and observe some lessons you may have graduated fairly recently or you may have graduated some time ago but either way it’s really important to go back and view it not as a pupil but through the eyes of a prospective teacher how do the teachers manage the lessons how will they get the transitions right if you don’t do that it won’t completely roll you out but it will disadvantage you the second piece of advice is to study really carefully the eligibility criteria on the website now this may seem obvious but it is worth just checking you’re going to be eligible for a suitable loan and all those other things all the very best of luck with your application