Welcome To Our Free Online College Scholarship Searches Page
Below, you will find links to more than 70 free, online scholarship search sites listing thousands of scholarships and financial aid awards worth billions of dollars. Just visit the sites which seem most appropriate for you and find the scholarships for which you are a good match.
Most of the online scholarship search sites include scholarships that can be used by students enrolled in traditional college programs or by students earning online degrees.
ScholarshipOwl –https://scholarshipowl.com
ScholarshipOwl is a scholarship search site with a difference. All you have to do is complete a brief questionnaire and they find scholarships for which you may qualify. Now, here’s the big difference…they apply for the scholarship on your behalf.
Guaranteed-Scholarships – http://www.guaranteed-scholarships.com
A list of scholarships offered by individual colleges, to all enrolled students meeting specified criteria.
ScholarshipLibrary – http://www.scholarshiplibrary.com/
A well organized website with a data base of 230,000 scholarships.
Rhode Island Scholarship Search – https://www.risla.com/scholarships-in-ri
A scholarship search site sponsored by The College Planning Center of Rhode Island.
Career One Stop – http://www.careerinfonet.org
An informational and scholarship search website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor.
Chegg – http://www.chegg.com/scholarships
Chegg has a large scholarship data base and is set up so students can save information on the scholarships for which they applied. In addition, Chegg sends scholarship deadline reminders to students who use their site.
College Resource Network – http://www.collegeresourcenetwork.com/
CRN offers an easy interface allowing students to search for scholarships using several categories.
StudentScholarshipSearch – http://www.studentscholarshipsearch.com/matcher/
They claim to have “the largest database of scholarships online and a speedy scholarship matching tool”.
Human Rights Campaign Website – http://www.hrc.org/resources/scholarship-database
Searchable by state, this site offers “a list of scholarships, fellowships and grants for LGBT and allied students at both the undergraduate and graduate-level”.
Uses a data base containing three million scholarships.
College in Colorado – https://secure.collegeincolorado.org/College_Planning/Explore_Schools/Direct_to_College_Connections/Financial_Aid.aspx
Search by category for scholarships to Colorado colleges.
CAPPEX – http://www.cappex.com/scholarships/
A data base with $11 billion in listed scholarships.
High Five Scholarships – http://www.highfivescholarships.com/
They imply that they have a data base with “millions of Scholarships” worth $45 billion dollars. Pardon our skepticism but that sounds like a lot. On the plus side, this site was recommended to us by a college scholarship administrator.
College Prowler – https://collegeprowler.com
Registration required. Claims a data base of 3.2 million scholarships.
CareerInfonet – http://www.careerinfonet.org/scholarshipsearch/ScholarshipCategory.asp?searchtype=category&nodeid=22&frd=true
A U.S. Department of Labor site with a data base of 7,000 scholarship and financial aid opportunities.
MyCollegeDollars – http://www.mycollegedollars.com/
Recommended to us by an admissions counselor at a university in Texas.
Scholarships 360 – http://www.scholarships360.org/
This helpful site is run by an admissions officer at Kenyon College.
Washboard – http://www.thewashboard.org
Connects students in Washington state with in-state scholarship providers.
Worldwide Learn – http://www.worldwidelearn.com/financial-aid/financial-aid-resources.htm
Unlike many other scholarship search and information sites, this one requires no registration and no contact or personal information.
ScholarshipMonkey – http://www.scholarshipmonkey.com/
They claim a data base of one million scholarships with a value in excess of $3.5 billion. If that’s not enough reason to give this site a shot, how often do you get a monkey to talk to you?
Careeronestop – http://www.acinet.org/acinet/scholarshipsearch
This site, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, has a searchable data base containing more than 5,000 scholarships, fellowships, loans, and other financial aid opportunities.
College Xpress – https://www.collegexpress.com/reg/signup
Using data provided by Wintergreen Orchard House, their data base includes 1.7 million scholarships worth a total of $7 billion.
Plan for College – https://www.salliemae.com/plan-for-college/scholarships/
Salliemae’s scholarship search site. Highly recommended.
CollegeBoard Scholarship Search –https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search
The College Board’s free scholarship search utilizes a database of more than 2,300 sources of college funding totaling almost $3 billion in scholarships and aid.
CollegeData – https://www.collegedata.com
Scholarship search service sponsored by 1st Financial Bank.
CollegeFunds –
Their website says, CollegeFunds.net helps you hunt down the most ideal student loan, scholarships and other financial aid resources available to you!
CollegeExpress – http://www.collegexpress.com
Scholarship info and other services.
CollegeScholarships.org –
This scholarship database is maintained by a non-profit organization.
CollegeToolKit – http://scholarships.collegetoolkit.com/scholarship
These folks allow you to search for scholarships by geography, heritage, religion, extracurriculars, family affiliation, high school, or scholarship name.
Discover Nursing Scholarship Search – http://www.discovernursing.com
If you are or will be studying nursing, give this free scholarship search a try. You will probably find more nursing scholarships here than in any other source.
DiversityAbroad – http://www.diversityabroad.com
International scholarships and fellowships.
eCampusTours – http://www.ecampustours.com/payingforcollege/scholarshipsandgrants
The eCampusTours search uses a database of more than 10,000 scholarship programs that distribute awards worth more than $36 million.
Financial Aid Officer – https://www.edvisors.com/scholarships/
This free scholarship search engine lists scholarships worth $1.45 billion.
FastAid – http://www.fastaid.com/
These folks say they are, “The World’s largest and oldest private sector scholarship database.
FastWeb – http://fastweb.com/
One of the older, larger, scholarship search sites.
Find Tuition – http://www.findtuition.com/tp2/ft/home.do
This free scholarship search site lists $24 billion in scholarships.
Find the Right Scholarship – http://www.findtherightscholarship.com/
Scholarship search run by CollegeBound.
Hispanic Scholarship Fund – http://www.latinocollegedollars.org/
Search for scholarships for Latino students.
InternationalScholarships – http://www.internationalscholarships.com/
This scholarship search is fairly unique because it features scholarships for international students and scholarships for study abroad programs.
Joint Academic Scholarship Online Network – http://web.archive.org/web/20160112061426/http://www.jason.edu.au/
The introduction on their website says, “The scholarships in the database apply to Australian students wishing to study at home or abroad, and to international students wishing to study in Australia.”
MeritAid – http://www.meritaid.com/
A data base listing scholarships totaling billions of dollars.
Military.com – http://aid.military.com/scholarship
This site claims to help students find, “millions of dollars in scholarships and grants exclusively for the military community”.
MoolahSPOT – http://www.moolahspot.com/
Their data base houses 3.2 million scholarships and grants.
The Scholarship Page – http://www.scholarship-page.com/
Started by a student in 1997, this site primarily featured engineering scholarships, but has since expanded to include others.
Scholarships.com – http://www.scholarships.com/
This site claims a scholarship database of 3,0000 sources worth up to $3 billion.
Scholarships101 – http://www.scholarships101.com/
A listing of over 800,000 individual scholarship awards valued at more than $2.8 billion.
ScholarshipsCanada – http://www.scholarshipscanada.com/
These folks call their site “Canada’s most comprehensive scholarship portal”.
CanLearn – http://www.studentawards.com/canlearn/
Another Canadian free scholarship search site.
Hotcourses – http://www.scholarship-search.org.uk/
Student Money – A UK based scholarship search.
Princeton Review – http://www.princetonreview.com/sallie-mae-scholarship.aspx
A data base containing over 3 million scholarships.
Scholarship Hunter – http://www.scholarshiphunter.com/
Not a great looking site, but a search here might be worth a try.
School Soup – http://www.schoolsoup.com/
Their scholarship data base lists $32 billion in scholarships.
Study Abroad Funding – http://www.studyabroadfunding.org/
Their website says, “Our comprehensive database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships, and grants can help make your dream of studying abroad a financial possibility and a profound reality.” Scholarship searches can be conducted by country or subject.
SuperCollege – http://www.supercollege.com
An online scholarship search sponsored by Harvard educated folks who publish books on college planning.
Tuition Funding Sources – http://www.tuitionfundingsources.com/
The name says it.
United Negro College Fund Scholarship Search – http://www.uncf.org
A free online scholarship search sponsored by the United Negro College Fund.
CollegeNet/Mach 25 – http://www.collegenet.com/mach25/app
Allows you to search through 600,000 awards for scholarship matches.
Nationally Coveted Scholarships and Fellowships – http://www.fatomei.com
Not really a scholarship match program but a very good site that lists undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral awards.
International Education Financial Aid – http://www.iefa.org/
The IEFA website was created to be a resource for financial aid, college scholarship and grant information for US and international students wishing to study abroad.
Pacific Northwest Scholarship Guide – http://www.collegeplan.org
A free online scholarship match program maintained by the nonprofit College Planning Network, serving students of the Pacific Northwest.
National Data Base of Scholarships – http://www.free-4u.com/
This free scholarship search sites claims to list scholarships worth more than 10 billion dollars.
Student Scholarships – http://www.studentscholarships.org/
They say they have “the largest scholarship database on the web”, a claim that others make as well.
Nerd Scholar – https://www.nerdwallet.com/nerdscholar/scholarships/
Scholarship searches and other info for students.
Outside Scholarships – http://outsidescholarships.org/search/
According to their website, they have a database with a total of $1.6 million dollars in scholarships.
Unigo/Scholarship Experts – https://www.unigo.com/
One of the most comprehensive and best scholarship search services.
StartClass – http://scholarships.startclass.com/
Scholarship search site with numerous variables offering a targeted search.
ScholarshipsOnline – http://www.scholarshipsonline.org
They claim to be “…the largest online directory of legit scholarships…”
Yconic – https://yconic.com
A membership site which apparently offers scholarship searches.
Do you know of a free Online College scholarship search site not listed above?
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