one of the most common questions international students have concerns financial aid and scholarships while most financial aid and scholarships are strictly reserved for American citizens we’re going to look at a few options for international students if you google international students financial aid you will see a ton of dizzying college scholarships information and you probably will not know what pertains to you or where to even begin when you look closer however you will see that what mostly shows up is each University’s specific policies regarding financial aid and international students here’s a simple to-do list to help guide you first you need to calculate exactly
what your college costs are from application fees travel expenses room and board books and of course tuition this will give you a better idea of exactly how much money you need and help you form a realistic plan if you can make a worksheet specify your research think of your dream school or schools and look at their specific policies on scholarship and aid for international students research each College of specific financial aid web pages so you can get a better idea it also helps if you or a counselor directly contact the school and enquire check out websites like fast web and scholarship owl there are websites that connect students with scholarships you fill out your information and the website sends you emails with scholarships that might suit you what’s great about these websites is that you fill out your information once and automatically
you’re applying to tons of scholarships do your research there are many schools that award scholarships and financial aid to international students here’s a list of schools that offer the most international aid aid to students these universities award on average about $50,000 to international students be realistic it is important to note that in order to have an International visa status in the United States you need to demonstrate through documentation that you can afford not only the cost of college tuition but also living expenses having said that
it is still worth looking into all of your options in terms of financial aid and scholarships furthermore it is important to note that a good GPA and excellent test scores do not hurt in the way of aid think local look at your government’s options for study abroad many countries have foundations that award scholarships for students who want to study abroad once you’ve narrowed down realistically where you could go to school it is time to talk to your counselor about your specific financial needs good luck