my name is Hollis frito Bandito bane I’m a senior neuroscience major hi my name is Christopher Swan I’m a marketing major my name is tangoing I am a majoring in design my name is Mickey Moore I’m a freshman at Georgia State and I’m majoring in college scholarships computer science hello my name is Harris Mesa I’m a major of computer science and I play Counter Strike for Georgia State University I’d rather put myself or frito Bandito as a best offer but this rifle would be me Hollis and the best offer is Swann I’m the best dealer I’m the best wrestler and see him so on is
the best offer [Music] that’s out of the game we’re all probably really good friends and we’ve land a couple of times and it’s been really fun outside of the game we hang out every now and then we’ll go just have a get-together or something like that but we also do like boot camp lands where we all go to one guy’s house and bring all their computers and practice for just a couple of days and just do some really intensive counter-strike playing
I’d say Chris cm Swann probably has the best chance at going pro I think see him Sean has the most chance just because he plays the game for like 11 hours a day [Music] [Music] ecology sports means a lot to me it kind of gave me my first big shot to play in a competitive environment and take a really seriously [Music] it’s just great to be at a university where eSports is officially a thing and maybe someday later along the line I can help bring counter-strike into the into the spotlight [Music]