Some people feel a bit of anxiety when planning to start any online degree programs. You’ll probably have to pay quite a bit out of pocket and may even go into debt. What happens if after all that time, money, and effort, you don’t launch into a fulfilling, lucrative career? Online Degree Programs List It’s a good Read more…
Before you decide whether now is the time for you to pursue online degree, you might want to consider what you expect to achieve as a result of your studies. There are many reasons why people who want a college degree decide that an online program is the best way to accomplish that goal. Many students who Read more…
Online degree programs offer students the unique opportunity to earn a degree from home. From busy, working moms and dads to recent high school graduates, online learning provides the flexibility needed to succeed. As the pandemic continues to wreak havoc, the demand for online learning opportunities is more significant than ever. Online Degree Program Success Stories can Read more…
As times are changing and online degree programs evolve, online learning is gaining steam among people from all walks of life. Available with flexible scheduling and affordable programs, online learning allows the unique opportunity to pursue a degree from home. Despite busy schedules, online degree programs are easily accessible whenever YOU have the time. From the University Read more…
We all know that college classes are readily available online. But you can find many great online colleges specifically geared for digital instruction only. That means the instructors know both the philosophy of and the tools for this particular type of modern-day teaching. There are more online colleges every day, or so it seems. Therefore, here’s a Read more…
Are you thinking of getting your degree, but your schedule and other responsibilities don’t allow you to enroll in a brick-and-mortar university? Maybe you feel that your life experience doesn’t exactly mesh with the ivory tower lifestyle. If you want to find out more about how to succeed in online education, you have plenty of company. According Read more…
Online Degrees: A Brief History In its infancy, the world of online colleges and online degree programs was like the old U.S. wild west. Initially, only a few, mostly highly suspicious, “online colleges” popped up. Most had no campus; some operated out of a single office, and others were nothing more than degree mills with P.O. boxes Read more…
Obtaining a college degree can set you up for many career advantages and open doors for opportunities and advancement you might not otherwise have. Busy lives and the need to work mean that getting your degree isn’t always easy. Many students, especially adults returning to school, are choosing to enroll in online programs because they offer advantages Read more…
Starting college is a challenge for anyone but can be especially daunting for working adults. If you are supporting yourself and your family, you can’t stop working to go back to school, but you might not have the financial resources to spare. There are many online scholarships for working adults. They seek to help you find the Read more…
In the fall of 2018, more than 19 million undergraduates were enrolled in a university or college. But before you picture tearful scenes of parents moving their kids into dormitories, telling them to eat right and not to forget to call, consider this: from the years 2001-2015, studies show a 35 percent increase in the number of Read more…