How to get an ANIMATED Profile Picture on Discord WITHOUT NITRO college scholarships

How to get an ANIMATED Profile Picture on Discord WITHOUT NITRO college scholarships

hey what is going on – with these no welcome back to a brand new video here on the channel in this video I’m gonna be showing you guys how to get an animated profile picture on this board without having nitro this is a new trick that a lot of people don’t know about this method is even better than having nitro because it’ll show up in the overview of discord without even clicking on it for example this guy right here he has a gift I just profile picture as you guys can see but it’s not animated in the overview but – you don’t need to download specific college scholarships programs for this to work arsenal is going to it [Music] all right so as you get to see I’m using my alts right now it doesn’t have night Rosie gets to see our so the first thing you’re gonna do guys is that you’re gonna find a gift that you want to use as your profile picture I’m just gonna use

something random for this video so cool wallpaper gif all right so let’s say that you want to use this one so you’re just gonna right-click and save it as I can call it anything but you’re gonna have to add dot gif at the end and make sure that this says gif image there you’re gonna click on save now what you want to do is that are gonna go to the first link in the description down below once you’re here you’re gonna click on a PNG and you’re gonna select gift – a PNG you’re gonna drag the gif you just download it into here and then click on upload click on convert to a PNG I’m just gonna wait a few seconds and it should be done now as you guys can see pops out here so just gonna right click and save it as and this time you can call

it anything as well but make sure it says dot gif at the end and make sure it says PNG image this time not gift like last time are you gonna hit save and you’re gonna go to a PNG – gif and here you’re gonna drag the latest one you downloaded onto here and click on upload now you don’t have to do this but I recommend clicking on resize and then typing 800 and a hundred for a disk or to make it even then click on resize image and we’re gonna wait about three seconds and as a guest you’ll see it start now you’re gonna right-click for the last time and save it as again I can call it anything but you’re gonna make sure that you have that gift at the end and make sure it says PNG image at this time as well only the first gift you save is gonna be the gif format so just gonna click on save now what you want to do is just to select the photo you just downloaded so

it was called tutorial 3 so I’m just gonna double click and as a guest can see it’s a gift now if we click on save you guys can see that it is a gift and I do not have nitro someone just made me this account real quick it just got registered it doesn’t have nitro and as you guys can see it has an animated profile picture and gift this is really simple to do and it takes like 50 seconds and you get the hang of it as you guys can see it is animated if we click on it it is fully animated just like a normal animated gif with nitro so I’ll be guys enjoy this video if you guys did make sure like this video from work this court if this is against the tos it’s just for educational purposes

only and don’t forget to join our discord servers we have to at the moment you can join for a daily giveaways we do huge giveaway so all I guys need to do is just to click on the reaction button and you’re entered also how this second discord where we make programs and either give them away for free or sell them really cheap and we also do giveaways of free copies of the programs and other giveaways this server is more for coding related if you guys need help or anything so hope you guys enjoyed this video please subscribe and like if you did and I’ll see you guys in the next video peace out [Music]