Tea: The Elixir of Life (Calm-A-Sutra of Tea college scholarships 2009)

Tea: The Elixir of Life (Calm-A-Sutra of Tea college scholarships 2009)

what brings you here this evening mr. Jones the world’s plate people ever were suffering from high cholesterol low metabolism and bad breath that’s a doctor in an archaeologist college scholarships I heard there was a cure what do you know about this indeed it is known as the elixir of life one more this ancient concoction draws

its mythical powers from flavonoids proven over centuries to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease heart attacks and stroke it has also been scientifically proven to support the human immune system combat cancer and even improve both health and freshen breath it would benefit all of the human race that is if someone were brave enough to search for green black white why don’t we drink this the John’s way Tea for Two you